Preparing for the World outside University- What I wish I knew as a student.

Ayo Dunamis Notes
5 min readApr 16, 2022


A few weeks a go, someone asked me about what I did in school asides pharmacy, how I prepared for the world after school. I really wanted to scream “School is a scam, Adult hood is a scam” because school didn’t seem to prepare me for what I met after I graduated.

That is partially true but University is not all a scam, they can do better of course! A lot needs to be added to the curriculum, and some removed. Still I should have done a lot of thinking, and seeing outside the box.

The question made me compile the list of things I personally should have learnt before graduation, though I had the opportunity to learn them now during my internship, I want to share with you so you can start earlier than I did or now that you are still in the University.

It is time to start asking the people around you, your mentors and teachers the same question!

“What prepares one for the outside world.”

Few of the things I came up with are, will be giving the points I can, it’s up to you to start working on them if you deem it fit, read books, ask questions, watch videos. I trust they will help. So here they are:

Click i-Share with Ayo Dunamis to listen to my podcast on this topic.

Saving: Yeah! Saving, Putting a certain percentage of your allowance aside before you start spending. It can be hard, it will be at first but with time you will become more disciplined and used to it.

You do not have to start so big, you can start with the #200, #500 depending on how much you get, be consistent with it and you will not find it hard to save much more. If you do not start now, it will become harder when you are receiving salary and you have a lot of responsibilities, if it is hard when you are still dependent on you parents, it will be harder as an independent person.

Budgeting: This is creating a plan to spend your money. How much is for what and you sticking to the plan, also seeking ways to reduce how much you spend, life hacks and all.

Let me share my little secret, I try as much as possible to reduce bank charges on transfer. I do a lot of transfers in a month, I prefer using my bank app to pay for things, and they charge, #10.75, sometimes #50 on each transfer. Then I found Kuda microfinance bank app which allows 25 free bank transfers in a month, so I use it for my transfer instead of my usual bank app. Imagine 25 transfers for 10 naira (which is the least charge), that is 250 with extra kobo o. It’s not much but it’s something. I found out many more hacks like that, if you want me to share, you will have to pay.

And I also took a course on budgeting, personal finance which have really helped me.

Networking! This is the time to start making your connects, with colleagues, and lecturers. I missed a lot of conferences back then in school because I was a very shy person and hated crowd but damn the crowd! We need to know people! Network, form relationships that matter.

Decision Making which is the act of making important decisions. This is the time to start knowing how to make decisions,

Office Politics: Know that there is something called politics even in the work place and you can not avoid it. You just must know how to work around it!

Click Mind Tools for some ways to use office politics positively.

Ask questions about it from your parents, mentors, teachers, now as a student, or if you are working. Politics happen in classrooms, and lecture halls too. They can not be avoided, we learn to work around them.

Taking online courses: You have interests, a career path, what are the skills you need, the ones you need to develop, it could be communication skills, financial management, human resource management. You can start taking courses on them now! In short, invest in yourself. Add value.

Financial Freedom and Investment: Do you want to work 9–5? Or want to be an entrepreneur, or both? What are your plans towards being financially free( you can read previous post on financial freedom). Learn about Investment opportunities, building your portfolio, you can start investing if you have a strong savings and emergency fund, if not, at least start making your research, know what you can invest on, your risk taking capability. Cryptocurrency, Mutual Funds, Forex, Stocks, Bonds, Real estate are few of the things you can invest in.

Time Management: This is the time to start learning how to manage one the most important things in life “Time” Learn multitasking, prioritization, planning.

De-stresssing: Do you know how to de-stress? How do you shed weight? Meditation? Sleep, Going out, taking a walk, putting off your phone for a day? You need to start developing a De-stresssing mechanism. You will need it greatly when the burden of adulthood sets in.

Practical things about your field: Are you a mechanical engineering student? maybe you can go for practical in an auto shop. Expose yourself to the practical world of your career or what you want to do. Leave your comfort zone, you can take a job, or an apprenticeship. Seek mentors in your field, ask your lecturers practical and necessary questions.

Freedom and Security: The difference

Writing a CV

Your values and core principles: Start building up and knowing what your core values are, things you can take and those you will never allow. The world out there, even in the school is a lot and you have to set boundaries for yourself and people around you. Determine who you are and want to be, and do not allow anything short of that.

Know the kind of person you wa t in your circle! The kind of mentors and teachers you need. And be those kind of people because you attract who you are. (i.e Develop an awesome character and behaviour)

Lastly and Most Importantly, Build Your Relationship with God

I said a lot about this in the podcast

Click i-Share with Ayo Dunamis and listen in.

I hope you take few of these points or all and work on. I know there is more so you can add in the comment section

Much love



Ayo Dunamis Notes

ADN is all about faith, lifestyle, and experiences. My thought and different topics, interviews with great minds, light bulb moments from seminars and books!💡